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Zakia Curmally, Trauerbegleiterin


I am Zakia Curmally.

I am a certified grief and family grief counsellor, and someone who has also experienced grief in my own life. I approach life, as I do my clients, with empathy, humour, a cheerful mindset, and in an open manner.


I know that grief is hard and painful. But I also know, that grief is important and valuable. As grief counsellor, I support my clients in finding their own life-affirming path along the journey of loss. Not despite the grief, but with the grief.





Grief often makes our world stand still, and yet also brings about many changes. It can overwhelm us, make us angry, unsettle us, or leave us in despair. We feel left alone, lost, or misunderstood.


We are told we have to keep going, let go, move on – accept our loss, say our goodbyes, make a new start. If we want to support a grieving friend or relative, we can feel at a loss, uncomfortable, or under pressure to make it better. No one tells us how.


As a grief counsellor, I work side by side with people confronted with loss – their own or someone else’s. I give them time and space to deal with complex and often painful emotions. I use proven methods and suggest ways to cope constructively with grief and loss. Which doesn’t imply “getting over”, “letting go”, “moving on” or “fixing it” – because grief is part of life. That’s why I believe in empowering people to learn to live a good and meaningful life with their grief. Understanding this approach can also be helpful to those supporting others going through grief.


I support children, young adults, adults and families who are dealing with their own loss or the loss of others – death, separation, missed opportunities, or a change in life circumstances.


I am happy to support you and look forward to hearing from you via email or phone. On receiving your message, I will contact you to schedule a non-binding, introductory conversation by telephone (free of cost).





Diploma in Counselling of Children, Young Adults, Adults and Families. Lebensgrund GmbH, Lucerne, Switzerland, and Lavia-Institut, Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Under the direction of Annyett König und Mechthild Schroeter-Rupieper.



Certificate in «Introduction to the Science & Practice of Resilient Grieving». New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience, Christchurch, New Zealand. Under the direction of Lucy Hone und Denise Quinlan.



Seminar «Der Vergebung einen Weg bereiten» («Paving the way for forgiveness»), Lebensgrund GmbH, Lucerne, Switzerland. Under the direction of Barbara Lehner.



Seminar: «Kinder und Jugendliche im Verlustschmerz begleiten. Hypnosystemische traumafundierte Trauerbegleitung» (Supporting children and adolescents in grief; Hypnosystemic-trauma-based approach). Lebensgrund GmbH, Lucerne, Switzerland. Under the direction of Roland Kachler.


2022 – 2023  

Certificate in Grief Counselling according to Lebensgrund GmbH, Lucerne, Switzerland. Under the direction of Antoinette Brem und Barbara Lehner.


2020 – 2023  

Certificate in Psychosocial Counselling, Prävensana, Fachschule für Gesundheitsberufe, Berne, Switzerland.



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